Бээжин дэх төрийн хөвгүүдийн сургууль болон Монголын түүхэнд холбогдох нэгэн чулуун хөшөөний бичээсийн тухай
The study of Yuan stele inscription inside of Beijing imperial academy
Төрийн хөвгүүдийн сургууль, Байжу, монгол, шалгалт, ДаштөмөрAbstract
The Beijing Guozijian located at the Guozijian street in Beijing, China, was the imperial academy during the Yuan, Ming ,and Qing dynasties, and the last Guozijian of China. The Guozijian was first built in 1306 during the 24th year of Zhiyuan Reign of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, and was reconstructed and renovated on a large scale during Yongle and Zhengtong reigns of the Ming Dynasty. This article focused on study of inscription on stele erected inside Imperial Academy (Gozijian. There were three Mongol graduates names scarfed in traditional Chinese characters, fortunately remained in well condiition from 13th century. In this article the author made attempt to restore their names in Mongolian, to determine who were these people,the time of erection of this stele monument.
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高丽史, 112卷-列传25-韩复-001