Sek el ~ çik ~ çigil issue in the history of turks

Sek el ~ çik ~ çigil issue in the history of turks


  • Saadettin Yağmur Gömeç University of Ankara, Faculty of Letter.
  • Tülay Ercoşkun University of Ankara, Faculty of Letter



Sek El, Turkish History, Székely, Çik, Çigil


In this paper, we tried to handle again the issue of Sek El, Çik Il and Çigil ( Çig Il), which was discussed also years ago in Turkish History. It is our opinion based on the historical sources that Sek El and Çik İl are the same ethnonyms and they split off as soon as the Hun State lost its power. Afterwards, while a part of tribe was staying in homeland in the east, the others came to the west, Central Europe. But Çik Il was considered as Sek El (Székely) in Europe that it is quite normal. From time to time, the idea of uniting Çik Il and Çigil, which is another Turkic tribe, isn’t true for us. Because, examining Turk inscriptions in Uighur era, these are considered as two different Turkic tribes which had lived in the same era but in different geographies.


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How to Cite

Gömeç, S. Y., & Ercoşkun, T. (2023). Sek el ~ çik ~ çigil issue in the history of turks: Sek el ~ çik ~ çigil issue in the history of turks. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 21(467), 131–137.