АНУ-ын Хятад судлалын гол төлөөлөгчийн нэг Жонатан Спенсийн бүтээлүүдийн тухайд
Prominent American Sinologist Jonathan Spence’s Publications and Attributes
АНУ, Хятад судлал, Чин гүрэн, Жонатан Спенс, Энх-Амгалан хаанAbstract
The article presents a brief introduction on the American Sinology and the importance of studying the works of Jonathan Spencer, a major Chinese history researcher, and their relevance to Mongolian history. Also, Mongolian contemporary researchers have a need to pay attention to other countries which have successful Sinology specially the American Sinology publications in order to study China more deeply and broadly.
http://www.asian-studies.org/Professional-Resources/Asian-Studies-Programs-and-Centers/Asian- Studies-Programs-and-Centers-States
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/report-finds-china-sends-most-international-students- u-s-high-n792681
http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/families/article/2085754/how-chinese-student-boom-has-kept-us- public-universities-afloat
Nicola Di Cosmo, “Ancient Chinese and Its Enemies: The Rise of Nomadic Power in East Asian History”, Cambridge University Press. 2010.
Түүний бичсэн олон бүтээл бий агаад Монгол судлал сайт дээр товч гарсан. (www.mongolstudies.com)
Elizabet Endicott-West, “Mongolian Rule in China: Local administration in Yuan Dyansty”, Harvard University Press, 1989.
Elizabet Endicott-West, "The Mongols and China: Cultural Contacts and the Changing Nature of Pastoral Nomadism (Twelfth to Early Twentieth Centuries)", in Amitai and Biran, eds., Mongols, Turks, and Others: Eurasian Nomads and the Sedentary World (2005)
Elizabet Endicott-West, “The Yuan Government and Society" in Franke and Twitchett, ed.s,
Cambridge History of China, Vol. VI (1994)
Peter C. Perdue “China Marches West: The Ching Conquest of Central Eurasia”, Belknap Press, Reprint edition, 2010.
https://www.neh.gov/about/awards/jefferson-lecture/jonathan-spence-biography 12.Jonathan D. Spence, “Ts’ao Yin and the K’ang-hsi Emperor: Bondservant and Master” 13.Jonathan D. Spence, “To Change China: Western Advisors in China”
Жонатан Д. Спэнс, “Энх Амгалан хаан”, Орчуулсан Ж. Баттөр, Г. Эрдэнэчимэг, НЭПКО хэвлэлийн газар, 2015. 1-р тал.
Мөн ном. 13-р тал. 16.Мөн тэнд.
Мөн ном. 21-р тал.
Тухайлбал, мөн ном 28-29-р талууд. 19.Мөн ном. 29-р тал.
Мөн ном. 136-р тал. 21.Мөн тэнд.
Мөн ном 37-р тал. 23.Мөн ном. 40-р тал.
Jonathan D. Spence, “The Search for Modern China”, WW. Norton & Company, 1990. 25.Jonathan D. Spence, “Death of Woman Wang”, Penguin Books, 1978.
Jonathan D. Spence, “Treason by the Book”, Penguin Putnam, 2001.