Хятад баруун орноо анх нэвтэрсэн түүх хийгээд Жан Чянь-ий хоёр удаагийн баруунш зорчсон аян

History of China open up western regions and Zhang Qian’s two journeys to western regions


  • Chuluun-Erdene T. Доктор Ph.D, Хүмүүнлэгийн Ухааны Их Сургууль, Гадаад хэлний сургууль, Гадаад хэлний тэнхим




Баруун орон, торгоны зам, Жан Чянь, Хятад орон, Хятадын түүх


Since 2014, when president Xi Jinping introduced “Belt and Road” initiative studies of ancient silk road, history of western world, cultural studies have attracted again attention of Mongolian and foreign researchers and there is a necessity to develop further such studies.

As four cultural peaks of civilization Chinese culture which follows Confucian ideology, Indian culture which is a cradle of Buddhism, Arab-Persian culture which consentrates Islam and Greek-Roman culture which originates Christianity all of them passed through “western region” into China and other Asian countries, delving and developing in natives’ livelihood, cultural relations, becoming unexhaustive cultural heritage of civilization of mankind. Regardless if we study western or eastern history and culture, we will come into contact of “western region’s history, geography and culture. Thus, history and culture study of “western region” is still popular subject for research until present. The purpose of my brief article is to illustrate the geography of the western world and to discuss the historical role of Zhang Qian when China entered western regions.


Монгол хэлээр:

Сүхбаатар.Г (1980), Монголчуудын эртний өвөг: Хүннү нарын аж ахуй, нийгмийн байгуулал, соёл, угсаа гарвал. УБ

Хятад хэлээр:


贾晓梅译, 丝绸之路、佛教东渐及西域探险史,丝绸之路佛教艺术大展,1996,日本东京国立博物馆。


芮传明 ,2009,丝绸之路研究入门,复旦大学出版社。


刘永强、王飞,两汉经营西域研究 ,2014,西北农林科技大学出版社。




How to Cite

T., C.-E. (2023). Хятад баруун орноо анх нэвтэрсэн түүх хийгээд Жан Чянь-ий хоёр удаагийн баруунш зорчсон аян: History of China open up western regions and Zhang Qian’s two journeys to western regions. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 23(507), 93–99. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2019110