Монгол солонгос хэлний үйл үгийн язгуур бүтээврийн зэрэгцүүлэл

Comparison Research between Mongolian and Korean Verb Roots


  • Baigalmaa D. ЭЗШУИС



үгийн бүтэц, үгийн үндэс, авианы махбод, төстэй ба ялгаатай тал


The following study aims to study the structure of the Mongolian and Korean languages’ verbs only on the basis of their root formations to provide adequate explanations in terms of linguistics by discovering their differences and similarities. As a result, the following conclusions have been drawn:

  • First, Mongolian and Korean verbs have the structure of root + base + suffix + condition, and the verbs must always include a vowel.
  • Second, the root of the verbs in both languages, technically, contains the core meaning of the
  • Third, the sound elements created by the root of a verb has the following 5 identical forms “1. V 2.VC- 3. VCC- 4. CVC- 5. VEVE-“
  • Fourth, Mongolian active root is somewhat similar to Korean grammatical
  • Fifth, the passive root of a Mongolian verb and the irregular root of a Korean verb are similar in a way that the verb condition cannot be added directly.
  • Sixth, Korean word formation of adding some of the prefixes before roots is found unusual in Mongolian.
  • Seventh, In Mongolian, the root of a verb usually begins with a vowel, whereas in Korean, the root of a verb usually begins with a consonant.Therefore, further research is needed.


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How to Cite

D., B. (2023). Монгол солонгос хэлний үйл үгийн язгуур бүтээврийн зэрэгцүүлэл: Comparison Research between Mongolian and Korean Verb Roots. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 26(565), 56–62.