Нутаг дэвсгэрийн нэгжийн хил ба газарзүйн элемент хоорондын уялдаа


  • Д. Батсүрэн
  • Э. Алтанболд
  • Д. Сандэлгэр
  • Д. Дорлигжав
  • Р. Болдбаяр
  • Н. Одхүү


Уул нуруу, толгод, голын голдирол, нуур, торлолын систем, элсэн манхан


Geographical taxon or this issue has been raised as an aspect of the study, as it hasn’t yet been conducted in Mongolia to determine the role of geographical elements and the relationship between them in the taxon boundaries of territorial units. The study was conducted on the example of the geographical boundaries of 21 provinces of Mongolia. The geographical boundaries of the territories are clearly depicted on the map, taking into account the geographical elements, but as of 2019, 19 out of 21 provinces in the country have large and small border disputes. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the geographical elements that differ in the territorial boundaries of a taxon in the 21 provinces of Mongolia. In the study, measurements were made on geographic mapping materials by identifying, measuring, and comparing different shapes of the boundary to the surface of the area according to morphometric measurements. The results were made with the comparative analysis method. Geographical boundaries were based on the location of low mountains and hills, 44.6 percent of the total border, 17 percent along the ridges and peaks of medium and high mountains, 11.5 percent along large and small rivers, and 9.2 percent along steppe, 7.6 percent along the ridges and peaks of high mountains and ridges, and 5.7 percent in each case accounted for along the longitudinal line of the Geographic Grid System. There were lakes, railways, lake channels, fault, and roads cover 0.2-1.6 percent of the border length. This clearly shows that geographical elements play an important role in defining the boundaries of geographical areas. Detailed demarcation of a territorial taxon by careful consideration of geographical elements are important for monitoring border disputes and territorial integrity. 


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How to Cite

Батсүрэн, Д., Алтанболд, Э., Сандэлгэр, Д., Дорлигжав, Д., Болдбаяр, Р., & Одхүү, Н. (2020). Нутаг дэвсгэрийн нэгжийн хил ба газарзүйн элемент хоорондын уялдаа. Geographical Issues, 20(1), 4–17. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/GP/article/view/849

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