Нутаг дэвсгэрийн түвшний хот байгуулалтын үнэлгээ (байгаль орчны үнэлгээний жишээн дээр)


  • Г. Гантулга
  • Ц. Базарханд
  • Д. Цолмон
  • Д. Дорлигжав
  • Г. Цэнгүүн
  • М. Бүжинлхам


Хот байгуулалтын үнэлгээ, бүс, хотын эрэмбэ, байгалийн нөхцөл, нөөц, тохиромжтой байдал, нутагшилт суурьшил


Mongolia lacks a spatial planning document with an optimal system of population settlement. There is a growing need to develop and implement national and regional policies based on proper and rational population settlement planning of Mongolia. It seems necessary to conduct “an Urban Development Assessment” to determine the development potentials of cities, “soums” and settlements at the national level using appropriate methodologies and indicators. Urban development assessment is based on four main groups of factors: environmental, socio-economic, infrastructure, architectural-spatial planning, and landscape assessment. The present study aims to conduct urban development assessments at the local level for each administrative unit based on a group of environmental factors. The territorial environmental assessment was performed with a 5-point scale based on 7 main factors and 16 sub-factors including land surface, water resources, climate, soil-vegetation, renewable energy, minerals, engineering geology and natural risk. Factor rankings were determined using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). According to the results of the territorial environmental assessment, 6.5percent or 10,201,806.7 ha of the total area was assessed as suitable, 80.8 percent or 126,242,288.9 ha as limitedly suitable, 7.3 percent or 11,518,373.53 ha as unsuitable and 5.3 percent or 8,286,359.7 ha as most unsuitable. There are 42 soums in the suitable area, 234 soums in the limitedly suitable area, 56 soums in the unsuitable area, and 19 soums in the most unsuitable area according to the Urban Development Assessment.


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How to Cite

Гантулга, Г., Базарханд, Ц., Цолмон, Д., Дорлигжав, Д., Цэнгүүн, Г., & Бүжинлхам, М. (2020). Нутаг дэвсгэрийн түвшний хот байгуулалтын үнэлгээ (байгаль орчны үнэлгээний жишээн дээр). Geographical Issues, 20(1), 32–53. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/GP/article/view/852