Өгий нуурын хотгорын морфологийн гарал үүсэл: Флювиаль процесс ба тектоник хагарлын холбоо


  • Э. Алтанболд
  • Я. Гансүх
  • Э. Амаасүрэн


Нуурын хотгор, геоморфологи, хагарал, флювиаль процесс


The study of the origin of lake depressions is very important. Data on the origin and morphology of the lakes in Mongolia is relatively rare. The origin of the Lake Ugii depression is contested. The lake is one of the fresh water lakes on the Orkhon valley, Arkhangai province. The main purpose of the present research is to explore the origin of the Lake Ugii depression. The study applied the Hypsometric Integral analysis, spatial improvement method, morphostructural and morphgeographic methods. Integrated the results in the topographic map, geological map, satellite images, and other materials. The Lake Ugii is supplied with the tectonic fault and river discharge. Depression in the middle of the Lake Ugii may relate to the tectonic fault from west to east and  seem to originated from fluvial and tectonic actions. The study applied the geomorphometric approach combined with detailed geomorphology analysis that allows to refine the structural geometry of this key area of the Lake Ugii.


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How to Cite

Алтанболд, Э., Гансүх, Я., & Амаасүрэн, Э. (2019). Өгий нуурын хотгорын морфологийн гарал үүсэл: Флювиаль процесс ба тектоник хагарлын холбоо. Geographical Issues, 19(2), 22–41. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/GP/article/view/883

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