Газарзүйн Асуудлууд сэтгүүлийн хөгжлийн тойм шинжилгээ (2001-2021)

Development review analysis of Journal of Geographical Issues (2001-2021)


  • Э. Алтанболд
  • В. Батцэнгэл
  • Д. Энхжаргал
  • Г. Юмчмаа
  • Д. Ганпүрэв
  • Д. Амартүвшин


Journal of Geographical Issues, Comparison analysis, Geography, Scientific journal, Service geography


For the last 90 years, approximately 100 research magazines have been published in each scientific sector of Mongolia in the Mongolian, Russian and English languages. But there is not any published research which clarifies development trends of each sector involving a review and analysis in the scientific journal of any specific area or sector in Mongolia. I have undertaken a review and analysis of this research using a comparative analysis method. In this article, the research published in the journal of Geographic Issues over the last 20 years was compared. This involved the review of articles, the involvement of authors, the similarities and differences in the field of scientific content, and the development trends of research. This was all clarified. The results showed that except for Mongolian researchers, Russian, German, British, American and Japanese researchers published their articles in this journal. Within the period the research involved 168 researchers who participated as a first author and 400 researchers as other authors in the publication of a total of 359 articles in developing the journal of Geographical Issues. Regarding the scope, more than 10 articles were published in the areas of service geography, meteorology and climate science, land relations, urban geography, environmental science, hydrology, agricultural geography, recreational geography, remote sensing and geomorphological studies. Baseline study materials of physics and social geography, which are the main sectors of geography, have comparatively been published rarely. The main trend of the magazine is inter-sectoral research work based on physical geography and socio-economic geography. It was a key principle of this magazine to publish this research by filtering them in an ethical and fair manner.


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How to Cite

Алтанболд, Э., Батцэнгэл, В., Энхжаргал, Д., Юмчмаа, Г., Ганпүрэв, Д., & Амартүвшин, Д. (2022). Газарзүйн Асуудлууд сэтгүүлийн хөгжлийн тойм шинжилгээ (2001-2021): Development review analysis of Journal of Geographical Issues (2001-2021). Geographical Issues, 22(1), 118–126. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/GP/article/view/560

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