Дарьгангын лаавын тавцан дахь Шилийн Богд галт уулын геоморфологийн хэлбэр


  • Э. Алтанболд
  • Х. Уламбадрах
  • Г. Бямбабаяр
  • Д. Санчир


Геоморфологи, Дарьганга, Шилийн Богд, хагарал, морфологи хэлбэр


The Cenozoic volcanism, which has been active in the territory of Mongolia since the beginning of the last century, has attracted the attention of Central Asian researchers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the geological research materials of the previous study and to determine the morphological origin and morphology of Shiliin Bogd volcano as the key representative of Cenozoic volcanism.  In general, due to the lava flow of basic composition, several types of geomorphological forms have been identified, and the identification of the type of dominant distribution is associated with a relation with origin problem that has not been encountered in our country before, and because of the current importance, the selection of the Shiliin Bogd volcano in Dariganga Plateau becomes important. The morphometric analyses were performed in-field measurements and previous studies, also highlighted the faults in satellite and other images using the morpho-structure method in order to depict the geomorphology of the Shiliin Bogd volcano. By comparing the results of the morphometric analysis, the Shiliin Bogd volcano morphological type was determined and a schematic diagram of the volcano's origin was developed. A large lava flow of fundamental composition flowed along to the large faults that stretched from the northeast to the southwest of the Shiliin Bogd volcano, which resulted in the current morphological forms of Shiliin Bogd and other volcanoes. The lava flow had a flow rate of less than 50% SiO2, which led to the creation of a Lava Plato. The morphological formations of lava cones, which are semicircular and basal in composition, with the average slope of the Shiliin Bogd volcano crater in 410, depth 63 meters and crater average diameter 302 meters, have been compared with morphology of other volcanoes by morphometric analysis. Based on the researchers' research data, the age of the trap of Shiliin Bogd volcano can be traced to the late Quaternary age, possibly to the Holocene age. Further details of the age of the basalt rock need to be precise.


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How to Cite

Алтанболд, Э., Уламбадрах, Х., Бямбабаяр, Г., & Санчир, Д. (2019). Дарьгангын лаавын тавцан дахь Шилийн Богд галт уулын геоморфологийн хэлбэр. Geographical Issues, 19(2), 4–21. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/GP/article/view/881

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