Баян (Увсын) нуурын хотгорын гарал үүсэл, морфологийн хэв шинжийн тайлал


  • Э. Алтанболд
  • Х. Уламбадрах
  • Я. Гансүх
  • Б. Даариймаа
  • Э. Амаасүрэн


Нуурын хотгор, Хагарал, Баян нуур, морфометрийн шинжилгээ, Увс аймаг


Data on the origin and morphology of the lakes in Mongolia is relatively scarce. This study represents the relationship between lake depression and faults of the Lake Bayan in Uvs province, Mongolia. The volume and area of the lake are formed due to geological and geomorphological processes and climate change. Geological faults may relate to the lake's depression. whereas, the lake depression along faults have not been studied yet. The methods used in this study are morphometric methods (Analysis of topography, geomorphological criteria, hypsometric integral (HI) and Relief Slope (RSl) analysis), Spatial improvement method of remote sensing and, geophysical magnetic survey. The present morphological patterns of lake depression were defined by coherent research methods. The study result suggests that a fault has a significant impact on the origin of the lake depression. The main fault was formed in the western part of the Lake Bayan depression. Field investigation based on coherent methods, the fault influenced the origin of the lake depression, directed by the fault SW to NE. The length of the main fault is 82.5 km; 4 lakes have been formed along this fault. The largest of the Lake Bayan. The current research suggests that the Lake Bayan origin is different from the previous explanation, and the depressions of the lakes in Mongolia need to be redefined further.


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How to Cite

Алтанболд, Э., Уламбадрах, Х., Гансүх, Я., Даариймаа, Б., & Амаасүрэн, Э. (2022). Баян (Увсын) нуурын хотгорын гарал үүсэл, морфологийн хэв шинжийн тайлал. Geographical Issues, 20(1), 18–31. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/GP/article/view/850

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