
  • Б.Өлзийсайхан




Өмч, дутагдахуй, хараат бус байдал, эрх, эрх чөлөө, хөдөлмөр, үүрэг хариуцлага, шударга ёс, хөгжил дэвшил


In this article has taken some philosophical reasonable of right to property. Property is any physical or intangible entity that is owned by a person or jointly by a group of people or a legal entity like a corporation. Depending on the nature of the property, an owner of property has the right to consume, sell, rent, mortgage, transfer, exchange or destroy it, or to exclude others from doing these things.

The right to life is the source of all rights—and the right to property is their only implementation. Without property rights, no other rights are possible. The right to property, also known as the right to protection of property, is a human right and is understood to establish an entitlement to private property. The right to property is not absolute and states have a wide degree of discretion to limit the rights. The right to property is one of the most controversial human rights, both in terms of its existence and interpretation.

Locke argues that property is a natural right and it is derived from labour. Locke stated his belief, in Chapter V of his Second Treatise, that nature on its own provides little of value to society; he provides the implication that the labour expended in the creation of goods gives them their value. This is used as supporting evidence for the interpretation of Locke's labour theory of property as a labour theory of value, in his implication that goods produced by nature are of little value, unless combined with labour in their production and that labour is what gives goods their value.


