
  • Ж.ТӨРТОГТОХ Доктор, дэд профессор, МУИС, ШУС, Нийгмийн Ухааны Салбар, Улс төр судлалын тэнхим, Орчин үеийн улс төрийн судалгааны төвийн эрхлэгч


Солонгосын Үндэсний Ассамблей, хууль тогтоох институт, үндсэн хууль, Солонгосын улс төр


This work covers historical and constitutional basis of a legislative institution of Korea. History of Korean parliamentary institution is a rich of development changes and challenges. Historical development and significance of the legislature has been studied by parliamentary scholars (Kim and Pai, 1981; Yoon, 1991; Park, 1998: 66-68, 2002a: 330-32) and practitioners or politicians such as former Members of the National Assembly (Kil, 1964: 1-12; Pak, 1976: 115-34) by various attempts. For instance, Park (1998) investigated the changes of the Korean legislature's policy activity in the context of the historical dimension. As Park briefly emphasized, the Korean National Assembly has a relatively short but turbulent history (Park, 1998: 68). What history tells us is, according to the Potsdam declaration, Korea was set free from the 36 years of colonialism, and the nation was recovered its liberty on August 15, 1945. National liberation and its political assurances were not worry-free for Korean people at that time. As Pak Chan Hyun who was an assemblyman in the Constituent Assembly noted... the nation was occupied by the United States forces in the south and the Soviet forces in the north respectively along the thirty-eighth parallel "for the sole and only purpose" of disarming the Japanese forces in Korea. The occupation of the two powers, however, has resulted in dividing the country into two halves. (Pak, 1976: 115).


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How to Cite

Ж.ТӨРТОГТОХ. (2023). ОРЧИН ҮЕИЙН СОЛОНГОСЫН ПАРЛАМЕНТЫН ҮҮСЭЛ, ХӨГЖИЛ. Politology, 8(350 (62), 95–106. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ps/article/view/5329