Орчин үеийн философи дахь домгийн онтологи асуудалд


  • С.Соёлмаа


Домог, мөнхийн давтамж, зан үйл, хамтын төсөөлөл, бэлгэ тэмдэг, бүтэц, гайхамшиг, шидэт үг, бүхэл ертөнц, гэртээ байхуй


The main issue of our article is the ontological problem of the myth in the modern philosophical thought. We aimed to explain some modern philosophical idea about myth and to give ontological definition of the myth.
By the beginning of XX century philosophers, anthropologists, sociologists and ethnographers have been had different ideas from classical philosophical thought about myth. They suggested following ideas about myth: first, myth is the live eternal genesis, which has the practical function in the modern society; second, myth is the ritual and real nature and an eternal regularity; third, myth is the ideology, collective unconsciousness.
Myth has practical function in the society. For example, American anthropologist Franz Boas, Scottish anthropologist James George Frazer and British anthropologist Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski emphasize that myth is not belief and doctrine system, but it has more action character than imaginative. They founded ritualism and functionalism in the study of the myth.
French sociologists have different ideas about myth from British anthropologists. They emphasize a collective psychological and social interpretation about myth. For instance, David Emilie Durkheim said that religion and myth is not different things, which are both collective imagination, reflecting a social reality. But Durkheim also emphasizes the ritual function of myth. By Lucien Levi Bruhl, the important and valuable thing of the myth is a mysterious element. He confirms that myth is not an explanation of the world, but it is supporting ways and means of the societies group's unity.
Myth is not a primitive thought of ancient period; it is an eternal regulation of the culture and logical solution of fundamental opposition of man's life. German philosopher Ernst Cassirer believes that myth is the cultural autonomous symbolic form, which is the special method and measure of the feeling and sensitive symbolic objectivities. Levi-Strauss has a different idea from the Cassirer's symbolic theory and he said that myth is a dynamic open system of the social changing and intensive power of the culture and reflects anatomy of mind.
According the psychoanalytic philosophers, especially for Freud and Jung myth is the unconscious basis of the human psychics.
Russian philosopher Losev gives an ontological definition of the myth and concluded that myth is the unturned magic name, which produces the wonder. By his idea myth is itself image of the world and most real, instant and sensitive being.
In conclusion we try to definite myth from fundamental ontology of philosophy. Heidegger said that philosophy is the philosophizing. Philosophizing is the wish to be everywhere as at home, missing home and wish being at all. If philosophy is the wish to being at all, myth is the being at all, being at home.
Modern philosophers refuse to consider that myth is the primitive thought from ancient period. Most philosophers agree that the myth lives everywhere, in the past, today and in the future. They agree that feeling united with nature is one of the deepest and powerful motivation of the mythical thought. There is no ground in myth that it is kind of illusion or untrue tale. Among the forms of knowledge about human essence, myth is the closest to the human nature. Modern commentators assume that myth is a narrative which decrypts the reality with mystical key-words. Many philosophers see universal and imperishable attributes or causes in myths. 


