Сэтгэл зүйн талаарх Ж.Дьюигийн үзэл санаанаас
боловсрол, сургалт, сонирхол, туршлага бодох үйлдэлAbstract
Dewey demonstrated that the human organism does not merely respond to stimuli from without but actively selects stimuli and responds in ways consonant with its purposes or aims. Also, he said, children do not just imitate, they select. When they imitate, they have adopted certain modes of behavior for their own purposes. Dewey described the fourfold interests of children: making things ( construction ), finding out ( inquiry ), expressing themselves artistically, and communicating. Children can learn the traditional disciplines within the framework of these four interests.
According to Dewey, the traditional disciplines turn students into inactivity. It is the material that the teacher already prepared and students have to study it within short-term. So it shows bad influence on students. Within the framework of the fourfold interest of children, students stay in constant motion. Also, the students can lead their ability and talent which they acquired by themselves. As for the teacher, the role of the teacher stays in leading and giving an advice to the students to the right direction of study. So the education must be based on a creative talent or an ability given by nature.