
  • Д.Батжаргал


хөргийн дүр, хүний зан чанар, сайн дүрслэлийн гайхамшиг, сэтгэлд хоногших чанар.


In this article, the author urges the need for a dedicated study on the characteristics and skills of the writings by well-known Mongolian publicists and journalists, and promotes the author’s recognition for their publications.

The astronaut, who surges the borderless infinities of the universe and gives his or her name to eternal bodies such as stars and universes, which have existed unnamed up to that point, whatsoever. However, the journalists, the so-called “inhabitants of the human world of thought and wisdom”, do not enjoy the same privileges and settle for a miserable reference only. It’s time to make a change. Why not, the works of any journalist could be known by author’s name like any scholar holds his or her works by. Thus we intentionally came up with ‘Tserenpil style’.


