ТЕЛЕВИЗИЙН ХӨРӨГ НЭВТРҮҮЛГИЙН УРАН ЧАДВАРЫН ЗАРИМ АСУУДАЛД (Хөрөг найруулал ба хөрөг ярилцлагын жишээн дээр)


  • С.Бэлгүүнзаяа


телевизийн хөрөг нэвтрүүлэг, хөрөг найруулал, бичлэгийн төрөл зүйл, ур хийц, агуулга ба хэлбэр, сэтгүүлчийн уран чадвар


This article discusses the skills of
Mongolian television journalists and video
makers on portrait programs. Portrait, a major
independent genre of journalism, was
originally published in newspapers and
magazines, but today they have evolved into
television and radio broadcasts, reaching
audiences not only with words but also with
sounds and videos. In this way, portrait is
being adopted in all genres of television
without any difference. Examples include
portrait articles, portrait interviews, portrait
movies, portrait reporting, portrait news, and
portraiture. However, in these genres,
portraits often lose their original quality and
are neutralized. In fact, there are only a very
few television productions with a format that
can fully define a television portrait program.
The research aims to empirically study the
genre, format, changes and some issues of
portraiture skills on 4 portrait programs.


