Хүчирхийлэл ба шашин


  • А.Жамбал


терроризм, нүгэл буян, шашны дайн, шашны түүх, эрхэт тэнгэр, хүнлэг ёс, нигүүлсэл, бурхны шашин, христын шашин, ислам, жихад


This titled article seems to be amaze for looking forward. But the violence and religion has related to those sides in the historical and contemporary generation that has influenced relatively.
An author has accorded to the general sample from greatest sush as Buddhist, Chiristianity and Muslim.
The violence has been using that religion to its own purposes, as well as, religious has been using that violence for own necessities in the history.
There are too many and great religious has been flourishing and developing in Mongolia also need for minimizing and releasing that violence from these religious humanities and merciful. 


