Аж үйлдвэржсэний дараах нийгэм дэх ажил мэргэжил, үйлчилгээ, хэрэглээ, онолын мэдлэг, мэдээлэл, цагаан захтнуудын хөдөлмөрAbstract
Modern movement haos characteristic is changing as in a situation of in invisible scientific revolution. It brings into existence knowledge, information, technology, innovation service production which expresses as a code of theoretical knowledge in an individual and scientific innovation centers. Therefore individual, institution, organization and states should give full attentions to development environment which we get used to living; there is a high probability that our environment to be rotate differently. And there are requirements to improve right obligation and responsibility structures of state and citizen.
Fore condition of post-industrial society, historical tradition of positivism, liberal sociology is established in a base idea of economists. Main core of this theory to be implemented by theoritical knowledge, information, and service production.
In order hand the worth was changed, service production was dominated than agriculture, and industrial service. The information is a basic resource of production, its composition section and knowledge has become capital, so passing through the new idea is depending on the attainment and the success of theoretical knowledge.
Farmer, blue-collar, white- collar are very different form each other, the one of them homogenous working class to be distinguished by profession, knowledge, income, prestige, and living levels; those had established middle class.
Contemporary social main core of job (employment) category had changed and the largest groups are teachers, doctors, health workers, scientists and engineers. The changing trends depend on directly the employment route and employment ratio in social structure. If state can implement the right leading with scientific base, every country has possibility to develop, but the most important things are the right concept, worth, scientific settlement and research.
The latter years the government has become the largest employment in service section, and education, health, culture and art, the fourth, fifth sectors services and knowledge economy may be expand. Especially creative-industries and exchange and dealing of scalars had had main roles at last.