Чойжи-Одсэр, монгол уншлага, аялгуу хэмнэл, эх монгол хэл, уламжлал, Манзуширын хувилгаан, судар шастир, Авга хар уул, Харчин, егүзэрAbstract
Holiness Neij Avid /1557-1664/ is a monk who popularized the action to broadcast the sutras and books of Buddhist religion through the national writings, Language and culture in mother Language and do and read the religious teachings and ordinances in native Mongolian Language.
He was born as a son of Mergen Temnan, Lord of Torguud tribe of Durvun Oird.
Monk Neij was a disciple of IV Banchin-Erdene Luvsanchoijijantsan of Tashilkhumbe, Tibetan monastery from 1570 through 1662 and worshiped many wise magicians and educated by religious education perfectly.
Monk Neij left his home and out lived oppressiveness and meditated for 12 years in Mountain Avga khar, Inner Mongolia and for 23 years in cave of Shar Malgai /Yellow cap/ and totally 35 years in hard condition.
He meditated for long years and was enlightened perfectly and become holiness. Monk Neij is a one of the famous Buddhist religious representative who executed authoritative obligations when Buddhist religion was broadened in Mongolia. He was impulsive to change the Shamanism by Buddhism.
Manzushir Dalai Bogd Neij reached to extreme success and achievement overcame enormous obstacles and demonstrations in order to fulfill his objective to broaden the religious reading in Mongolian Language.