The article discusses images and forms of Maitreya in Mongolian art from the 17th century until 19th c. It poses a question about two forms of Maitreya that became widespread in Mongolia and Tibet as these two forms are not mentioned in the main corpus of Niśpannayogāvali and Sādhanamālā texts. Textual sources of Maitreya’s forms can be seen in Western Tibet (currently Ladakh) and Gyantse, but the majority of Maitreya depictions show the deity as a standing youthful Bodhisattva or a seated Buddha as a cakravartin. The article discusses Maitreya Temple near Huhhot, Inner Mongolia, the home of early dedication to Maitreya among the Mongols. Then the article discusses Maitreya Temple and a monumental Maitreya statue built by Ikh Khüree’s abbot Agwaankhaidav. The article also includes experts from Agwaankhaidav’s texts on Maitreya. The article argues that the Gelug brought a particular worship of Maitreya as cakravartin following Tsongkhapa’s personal association with Maitreya in Dzingji.