塔旺陶勒盖-嘎顺苏海图铁路、相关物流和基础设施发展问题 博士. 纳仁通拉嘎

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博士. 纳仁通拉嘎


On September 9, 2022, Mongolia's first class, intersection-free, heavy-duty railway line between Tavan Tolgoi and Gashuunsukhait was put into operation. This railway has a main track length of 233.6 kilometers from the Tavan Tolgoi mine to Gashuunsukhait port, a gauge of 1520 mm, 2 stations at Tavan Tolgoi and Gashuunsukhait, 6 crossings, and a load capacity of 25 tons. Mongolia will transport and export 30-50 million tons of coking and thermal coal annually through this railway, and the cost of transporting coal from the Tavan Tolgoi mine to Gantzmod port in China will decrease from US$47 to US$12 per ton, a 4-fold decrease, and about 2,000 permanent jobs will be created.
Today, the road has been laid up to the border crossing at Gashuunsukhait port, and the feasibility study and working drawings for the railway connection to the Gantzmod port of China are currently being prepared with the participation of the Third Bureau of the Chinese Railways. Therefore, the construction of the border railway in Mongolia will transform Gashuunsukhait port from its current status as a local border crossing to a multi-purpose international port for logistics.


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