博物馆外交在软实力构建中的作用 ——以蒙古国“成吉思汗国家博物馆”为例 那∙查慧娜, 瑟∙乌云苏荣, 阿∙巴图琪琪格
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In recent years, museum diplomacy has emerged as a significant area of interest on the international stage, capturing the attention of scholars, policymakers, and cultural institutions alike. Museums are increasingly recognized for their potential to influence global culture and to enhance a nation's soft power, which refers to the ability to shape the preferences and perceptions of others through attraction and persuasion rather than coercion. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the Genghis Khan National Museum, along with the international exhibition titled "Genghis Khan: How the Mongols Changed the World." Through this examination, we aim to explore the theoretical underpinnings of soft power and the role that museum diplomacy plays in contemporary international relations. Additionally, the article delves into current international cooperation projects that involve museums, highlighting how these initiatives foster cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. Furthermore, we consider the future trajectory of Mongolian museum diplomacy, reflecting on its potential to contribute to global cultural exchanges and to enhance Mongolia's presence on the world stage. By investigating these elements, we seek to provide a comprehensive understanding of how museums can serve as powerful tools for diplomacy and cultural engagement in today's interconnected world.
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