Бүс ба зам санаачилгын хэрэгжилт: Монгол Улс, БНХАУ, ОХУ гурван улсын эдийн засгийн коридорыг хөгжүүлэх боломж, хэтийн төлөв Д.Өнөрмаа, Б.Батчимэг
Main Article Content
Mongolia is the eternal neighbor of the world powers Russia and China. These countries actively participated in the development of their own countries, as well as regional and global cooperation, and made economic initiatives. For our country, joining the initiatives proposed by two neighboring countries and participating in activities, beneficial to the society and economy of our country has become an important step to entering the regional and global markets. Within the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative, countries are joining initiatives and cooperation beneficial to their countries. For our country, through the "Three-Country Economic Corridor" program, many goals have been set, such as infrastructure, investment, regional development, tourism, and diversification of the economy.
Article Details
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