АНУ-ын гадаад бодлогын шийдвэр гаргалт: Конгресс ба улс төрийн намуудын үүрэг, оролцоо П.Мягмардорж

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This research paper aims to determine the position of the Congress, which is mainly involved in making foreign policy decisions of the US, and the political groups working together within the framework of the two main parties, the Republican Party, and the Democratic Party, on foreign policy issues. Among the factions within the Republican Party, the "Neoconservatives" and the "Hardline Conservatives" advocate a more rigid stance on foreign policy decision-making, even the use of military force to protect the nation's interests. However, the 'Trumpists' were formed later in this party, take a different position from the previous two groups in some cases Republican Isolationists take the position of isolating the United States from world politics, and the Traditional Internationalists take the United States to an active position in world politics. Among the groups of the Democratic Party, the Liberal Internationalists are expected to protect the interests of the United States by creating and confirming the international collective security system, and today, the group occupies a significant position in the country's decision-making. Thus, by defining the position of the political group that plays a key role in US foreign policy decision-making, what position does Mongolia take when communicating with the country's influential politicians and other politicians, diplomats, and researchers within their "third neighbor policy", it is possible to predict what foreign policy concepts they will adhere to in dealing with other countries.


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