Ази Номхон далайн бүс нутгийн өнөөгийн байдал, цаашдын төлөв Л.Ариунболд

Main Article Content

Bayasgalan Sanallkhundev


This article discusses the current situation and future prospects of the Asia-
Pacific region. In particular, the controversial trilateral security agreement “AUKUS”
(2021.09.15), by Australia, Great Britain and the United States and why was the
ANZUS trilateral agreement (1946), still valid, overshadowed by AUKUS, and why did
it become less important. The changes reflected in the main document of the militarypolitical
policy of the White House "National Security Strategy" of the United States, a
hegemony in international relations ( 2022.10.12), including , what kind of militarypolitical
changes are reflected in the open part of the policy document (the document
consists of an open part and a secret part) and what is its background, not only in the
Asia-Pacific region, but also in the current changes has a strong influence on the
current international relations situation. Therefore, it is important to study and


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