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Not only does a literaturary work excite the reader's imagination but also it brings new ideasand hopes to his/her mind. And each school of literary thought has sought to find out that powerful tool which appeals to the reader. And it is those stories which tell truth and reflect reality that are deemed to attract the reader's interest and appeal to them. Although the reality and truth appeal to the reader, they equally appreciate fictional sub-stories and descriptions that grow out of the storyr itself. The Literature as a blend of language and composition, should draw the reader's attention when it finds its form based on reality. As a rule, human nature aspires for beauty and the good. The Literature is a realization of that aspiration based on reality.
Fherefore. the issue of poetry and lyrics is as equally important as the issue of reality. By feeling sensations from reading suchas happiness, sadness or repulsion, the readers lake lessons for themselves and open iheir inner worlds. The story's various plots and dramatic structure define the reader's inner appreciation of the ston. And these inner rhythms inside the reader's mind that make him/lier open subconcsious qualities inside them about life and its value. And the xvriter offers his/her hints about life and his vision of reality tlirough literary description using diflerent paces, links and dramatic decisions. The Philosophical prisms in the stories that explain and describe the plot can also serve as the basis of the novel. Any novel becomes a good piece of art if the reality is transformed into prose and prose is based on logic. Therefore, it can be said that a good novel is combination of Reality. Poetry and Philosophy.
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