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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Acta Mongolica is a peer-reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary journal published by the Institute for Mongolian Studies, National University of Mongolia with emphasis on the Mongolian Studies in the social sciences and humanities including field of linguistics, culture, religion, anthropology and archaeology, socio-political study, economics and international studies. It accepts either APA style or free format submission with the following requirements.

Submission Requirements

Articles and book reviews shall be original and consist of title, author name(s), affiliation(s) (including ORCID, email), abstract, keywords, main sections, conclusion, acknowledgement, endnotes, and references.

Formats and style

  1. British or American English are acceptable for articles and book reviews as long as there is consistency.
  2. Length of article should not exceed 10,000 words.
  3. Fonts and Font sizes: Use Times New Roman 11 pt. for text and 10 pt.for abstracts and 9 pt. for footnotes. Use single space. Do not use hyperlinks in the document.
  4. Foreign words in roman script
  5. Italicise foreign words. Example: The term of soyoltoi (cultured) is used......disciplinarians of the main assembly (Tib: tshogs chen dge bsgos rnams) of Ikh Khüree
  6. Headings and subheadings: Heading should be in bold non-italics aligned left. Subheadings should be in bold italics aligned left.
  7. Block quotes: Quotations longer than two sentences should be given in a separate paragraph. The paragraph should not be italicized. Use single space. The paragraph should be separated from the main text by a one-line space above and below the quotation.
  8. Ellipses: When words are omitted in a quotation, it should be marked by three dots.
  9. Citations: Please use an author/date/page system in parentheses in the text, with fuller references in the bibliography. Give full bibliographic information in the section of Reference. Use semicolon (;) for multiple authors in alphabetical order and comma (,) for the same author. Example: (Bold 2000; Tsend 1989) (Bold 1989, 2020; Tsend 1989)
  10. If it is important to indicate the original date of publication, the original date is listed in the square brackets before the newer publication. Example: (Damdinsüren [1959] 2017)
  11. The sequent page numbers will be provided with n-dash. Example: (Damdinsüren 1973: 13-9) not (Damdinsüren 1973: 13-19) (Damdinsüren 1973: 271-79)
  12. Do not use ibid in the text expect in the footnote.
  13. Footnote: Use 9 pt. for the footnote. Footnote numbers are placed after any punctuation: Example: ...published in 1980.5.  ...can be added
  14. Superscript: Please do not use superscript. Not 2nd but 2nd.
  15. File  format: MS Word for Windows.
  16. Table and Figures: Tables, figures and charts should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numbers aligned in the centre. Please provide high resolution images with requirement of 300 dpi for photographs and 600 dpi for text or drawings. It is the author’s responsibility to seek permission to reproduce any materials subject to copyright. Example:
  17. Reference examples: Figure 1. Cham dance in Ulaanbaatar (photo by author 2018); Figure 2. Jebtsundamba Khutugtu in young age (© National Archives of Mongolia); Figure 3. Maitreya thangka (courtesy of the Fine Art Museum)
  18. A reference should be placed at the end of the text, containing all sources cited in alphabetical order of authors and chronological order of publications.
  19. Use a, b, c etc after the year of publication when the author has published different works in the same year. Example: Damdinsüren, Tsend. 1959 a. Damdinsüren, Tsend. 1959 b.
  20. For non-English title, please provide English translation after the original title in the square bracket []. The translation is not italicised. Example: Boldbaatar, J. 2010. Mongolyn Burhany shashny lam huvrag [Monks of Mongolian Buddhism]. Ulaanbaatar: Soyombo Printing.
  21. In case of author’s surname is not provided or found in the reference, put the initials. Example: Damdinsüren, Ts.
  22. If publisher is not known put n.p. Example: Ulaanbaatar: n.p.
  23. Reprinted Books in Reference: The original publication date is listed first in parentheses. Example: Damdinsüren, Tsend (1959) 2017.
  24. Acronyms should be capitalised without separating dots, unless they appear in a citation. Example: ABCP, UK, MPR.
  25. Numbers: Spell out numbers from one to nine and use numbers above 10. Example: Nine people not 9 people, 1 million not one million etc.
  26. Percentages use numbers and the words per cent. Example: 5 per cent but large number of percentages use % sign.