Perspectives on Poverty and Respect in Mongolia Terms, taboos, taxonomies and the sustainability of translations
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This article examines the complex and nuanced perspectives on poverty and respect in Mongolia, focusing on terms, taboos, and taxonomies surrounding poverty and their implications for a culturally appropriate phrasing. It highlights challenges of translations from a seemingly international development jargon into Mongolian, which often appear inadequate or even counterproductive.
Our research is based on a mixed-method pilot study investigating the connotations of Mongolian terms related to poverty. Through surveys, interviews, discourse analysis, etymological and semantic studies of poverty-related terms, the authors explored social challenges perceived by Mongolians including experiences of discrimination faced by those in ‘difficult living conditions’.
Moreover, we investigated the societal tendency to avoid addressing poverty directly in order to find out how it is connected to structural discrimination and the perpetuation of social inequalities. Given that terms may be acceptable in one context but disrespectful and stigmatizing in another, the authors advocate for a culturally sensitive use of terms. Based on the findings of our study, we provide constructive suggestions for a more appropriate terminology that focuses on empowerment and the expansion of opportunities. This analysis contributes to the understanding of complex dynamics between language, poverty, and social inclusion in Mongolia.
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