Mobilities and Immobilities in Mongolia A Short Essay on Potentials and Dilemmas

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Ines Stolpe


After summarizing the activities of our research cluster with references to its joint theoretical background, this short essay provides comparative perspectives on potentials and dilemmas of im/mobilities in Mongolia using some examples from my research topics with a focus on modernity and mobilization.

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How to Cite
Stolpe, I. (2020). Mobilities and Immobilities in Mongolia: A Short Essay on Potentials and Dilemmas. Acta Mongolica, 19(539), 9–16. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Ines Stolpe, Mongolian studies at the University of Bonn

She studied comparative education and Mongolian studies in Berlin and Ulaanbaatar and obtained her PhD from the Humboldt University of Berlin with a thesis on interdependencies of social and spatial mobility in contemporary Mongolia.


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