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Francesca Fiaschetti

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Fiaschetti, F. (2022). Introduction. Acta Mongolica, 20(540), 5–8.


Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities, translated from the Italian by William Weaver (San Diego, New York, London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974), 44.

Isabelle Charleux phrases it in terms of “ambiguous relation with cities, based on both need and antipathy” (p. 175) in: I. Charleux, “The Khan’s City. Kökeqota and the Role of a Capital City in Mongolian State Formation”, in D. Sneath (ed.) Imperial Statecrafts. Political Forms and Techniques of Governance in Inner Asia, Sixth-Twentieth Centuries, (Bellingham, WI,2006), 175- 207. The con-cept is addressed also by M. Biran, “Rulers and City Life in Mongol Central Asia (1220-1370)”, in: D. Durand-Guédy (ed.), Turko-Mongol Rulers, Cities and City Life, Brill’s Inner Asian Library 63 (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2013), 257-284.

J. W. Dardess, “From Mongol Empire to Yüan Dynasty.” Monumenta Serica 30 (1972–1973), 117–65.

N. Di Cosmo, “Black Sea Emporia and the Mongol Empire: A Reassess-ment of the Pax Mongolica“, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient Vol. 53, No. 1/2 (2010), 83-108.

R. Prazniak, Sudden Appearances: The Mongol Turn in Commerce, Belief, and Art (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2019).

H. Claessen and J. Oosten (eds.), Ideology and the Formation of Early States (Leiden: Brill, 1996), 116–135.

N. S. Steinhardt, “The Plan of Khubilai Khan’s Imperial City”, Artibus Asiae, 44, issue 2-3 (1983), 137-58.

Song Lian 宋濂, Yuanshi元史 (repr. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1976), juan 58: 1382-3, translated in: F. W. Cleaves, “The Sino-Mongolian Inscription of 1346.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Vol. 15, 1/2 (June 1952), p. 25.

J. Bemmann, S. Linzen, S. Reichert, L. Munkhbayar, „Mapping Karakorum, the capital of the Mongol Empire”, Antiquity, vol. 96 (2022), 159-178.