About phonetic-phonological rules of the vowels in Khorchin

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Saiyinjiya Caidengduoerji (Centre de recherche linguistique sur l’Asie orientale, Paris)


Khorchin is spoken in China, mainly in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. This region counts about 4,426,000 Mongols, in other words 74% of the Mongolian population of China. However Mongolian represent only 17.1% of the total population of the autonomous region. Most Mongols are bilingual in Mongolian and Chinese, but in urban younger generations Mongolian language was disappearing, a trend that might be changing. The Khorchins constitute the majority group among the Mongolian population of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. They number 2,080,000, that is to say 52% of the Mongolian speaking population. They are particularly sinicized. The common official language of the Mongolians of China is not based on the Khorchin dialect, but on the Chakhar

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How to Cite
Saiyinjiya Caidengduoerji. (2019). About phonetic-phonological rules of the vowels in Khorchin. Acta Mongolica, 18(532), 21–39. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/actamongolica/article/view/5794


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