The morphological structure of English prepositions and their capacity to derive lexical words

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This article, a sequel study of “The structural - functional systems of English prepositions” [7], discusses the morphological structure of English prepositions. It focuses on correlation between syntactical positioning and functional use, rather than semantic capacity. Historically, English used to possess grammatical cases, which were eventually replaced by emerging prepositions. Prepositions in modern English are common and numerous, whereas we collected 145 prepositions from the Oxford dictionary for the ultimate purpose of this study - the morphological classification of prepositions as simple, complex and marginal.

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Ц.Отгонсүрэн, & Д.Түвшинтөгс. (2015). The morphological structure of English prepositions and their capacity to derive lexical words. Acta Mongolica, 16(426), 115–124. Retrieved from


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