The Tulku Institution and Future of Buddhism in Mongolia

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Rustam Sabirov


This article considers the restoration of the tulku institution in contemporary Mongolia in the context of the processes taking place in the world of Tibetan Buddhism. The restoration of the khuvilgaan institution in Mongolia has the potential to strengthen the Mongolian Sangha and increase its authority in the Tibetan Buddhist world. However, further development depends largely on two important factors. First, much has to do with the restoration of the Jetsun Damba Khutugtu Institution in Mongolia. Second, the future of the Dalai Lama institution could also have a major impact on the situation inside Mongolia.

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How to Cite
Sabirov, R. (2019). The Tulku Institution and Future of Buddhism in Mongolia. Acta Mongolica, 18(532), 119–129. Retrieved from


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