Ойрхи үеийн Монголын гүн ухааны сэтгэлгээний зарим асуудлууд


  • М.Саранцэцэг


гүн ухаан, бин, монголын гүн ухааны түүхийн үечлэл, нигилист хандлага


It's much more important to do research on the heritage of philosophical thought history from different sides and find out the specific peculiarities of thoughts combining with current thought characteristics and usages. The issues of studying the heritage of philosophical thought of Mongolian people is considered to be one of the urgent aims that essential to pay more attention to current politics and socio -culture matters and philosophical thought of the country. However, previously done research papers and theses could not reported as in old style and less valued. Because the source of the philosophical thoughts have been composed of the research materials and works of that period. Therefore it's appropriate to study Mongolian history of philosophy with combination of traditions and innovations. 


