Jamuqa and the Education of Chinggis Khan

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Timothy May


Most scholars view Chinggis Khan as a military and organizational genius, however, one must question whether he possessed these innate abilities or did he gain these talents through the process of learning. Whatever the case, Chinggis Khan certainly needed the opportunity to refine his skills and thus was involved in some educational experiences. This study examines the education and development of Chinggis Khan as a leader, as well as the influence of an individual who may have played a significant part in his education as a military leader. The individual in question is the ever enigmatic Jamuga who was the anda or blood brother, a comrade, and a rival of Chinggis Khan.

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How to Cite
Timothy May. (2006). Jamuqa and the Education of Chinggis Khan. Acta Mongolica, 6(267), 273–286. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/actamongolica/article/view/8941


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Isenbike Togan, Flexibility and Limitation in Steppe Formations: The Кегай Khanate and Chinggis Khan, (Leiden: Brill. 1998). 102-103. Temiijin elevated individuals based on merit and loyalty rather than solely on kinship or social status.