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Mark A. Whaley


Since the publication of my Square Script paper (Whaley 2003-2004), a number of coins with the inscription I worked on have surfaced in the intervening years which I was unable to include, the most significant being a coin discovered in 2004 during excavations at Kara Korum by the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and the Universitat Bonn, but not publicized until 2005.' Since the matter is still pertinent, I think to revisit my conclusions and add further details would be an interesting topic.

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How to Cite
Mark A. Whaley. (2011). ON “THE FIRST DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE FOR QARA QORUM FROM THE YEAR 635/1237-8.” . Acta Mongolica, 11(366), 113–128. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/actamongolica/article/view/6708


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