“Кёнгүг Тэжон Жүхэ” -д тэмдэглэсэн монгол хэлний бичгүүд Чусоны үед хэвлэгдэп гарсан хууль цаазын бичгийн тайлбар

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The Mongolian language books, such as Mongò nogoltae (), Ch'obhae Mongo () and Mongo yuhae () published by Chuson's "Sayogwôn" at the end of XVIII century are inherited to our days are known in the Mongolian studies as "The three books for the study of Mongolian ". The information on issuing of 16 books written in Mongolian in Korea earlier the abovementioned three books is kept in the source called “Chông gûg dae jôn” ( ) The source has a note on bibliography and proper name comments, which was a subject for a number of researches in Korean and English (it can be reviewed in the bibliography of the article). Among the Mongolian researches, B.Sumyabaatar has mentioned about it. In this article the 16 books are introduced briefly.

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How to Cite
С.Батхишиг. (2007). “Кёнгүг Тэжон Жүхэ” -д тэмдэглэсэн монгол хэлний бичгүүд: Чусоны үед хэвлэгдэп гарсан хууль цаазын бичгийн тайлбар. Acta Mongolica, 7(291), 179–184. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/actamongolica/article/view/6220


Сумьяабаатар Б (1975), Монгол солонгос туургатны угсаа гарал, хэлний холбооны асуудалд, Улаанбаатар.

Шагдарсүрэн Ц (2001), Монголчуудын үсэг бичигийн товчоон, Улаанбаатар

-Lee Ki-moon(1963), The Hunmin-jóngóm System, Historical Studies on the Korean Writing System, The Korean Series, Vol. 18, Linguistics, Korean Research Center, Seoul. P.9.

-Lee Ki-moon(1981), The Study of Foreign Languages in the Yi Dynasty(1392-1910), Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 54, Seoul: the Korean Research Center, 1-45.

-Lee Ki-moon(1982), The Study of Foreign Languages in the i Dynasty(1392-1910) Part Two-Books for the Study of Foreign Languages (1)-, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 55, Seoul: Korean Rescarch Center, 1-63.

-Lee Ki-moon(1982), The Study of Foreign Languages in the Yi Dynasty (1392-1910) Part Three Books for the Study of Foreign Languages(2), Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 56, Seoul: Korean Research Center, 1-45.

Seong Baeg-In, Mongolian language studies in Korea, The Third International Symposium on Mongolology, August 17-24, 1998. Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China.