Memory-based dictionary browser for Mongolian toponym

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Purev Jamai
Odbayr Chimeddorj
Ravdan Enhbayr


This paper presents methods and principles used in a computer-based dictionary of Mongolian toponym. The search engine reads the headwords that are previously built from the database of Mongolian toponym in the concordance form and then writes it into the memory as hash-table structure, and uses it for further searching. Search word could be selected from the headwords table or typed in Mongolian or its Roman transcription form. Therefore, the system could perform multiword searching with and/or condition. The system itself was written in C# language, thus it supports the Unicode environment. Key words: Mongolian toponym dictionary, geographic information system.

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How to Cite
Jamai, P., Chimeddorj, O., & Enhbayr, R. (2007). Memory-based dictionary browser for Mongolian toponym. Acta Mongolica, 7(291), 23–28. Retrieved from


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