Making the Esoteric Public The Ninth Panchen Lama and the Trans-ethnonational Rituals of the Kālacakra Initiations in Early Twentieth-Century East Asia

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Daigengna Duoer


The Kālacakratantra is an early eleventh-century esoteric treatise that belongs to the highest class of tantras, the unexcelled yoga-tantras (S: niruttara-yoga-tantra) and is believed to be the last niruttara-yoga-tantra to appear in India. The tantra spread to Nepal and Tibet under the promulgation of Piṇḍo and his disciple Atiśa, as well as Nāropa, and became highly influential in Tibetan Buddhist traditions, especially with the Jonang and Gelug traditions. In the Kālacakra tradition, an initiation (S: abhiṣeka; T: dbang/dbang bskur) is an essential ritual in which a qualified teacher confers the authority and ability to practice a certain tantric method. It can be understood as a process of purification, a rite of passage into a superior spiritual path, an empowerment of potencies, and a type of healing for both worldly and mental distresses.

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How to Cite
Daigengna Duoer. (2019). Making the Esoteric Public: The Ninth Panchen Lama and the Trans-ethnonational Rituals of the Kālacakra Initiations in Early Twentieth-Century East Asia. Acta Mongolica, 18(532), 131–175. Retrieved from


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