I am the Fiddler of Erlig Khan The Bard as the Mediating Interpreter of the Hero in Kalmyk Epic Tradition

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Birtalan Ágnes


The Hungarian scholar Gábor Bálint of Szentkatolna (1844–1913) recorded a considerable amount of linguistic and folklore material among the Astrakhan Kalmyks in 1871–1872. He also collected fifteen unique tales (Bálint utu tūli) and although he did not note down any epos, half of the tales contain versified fragments inserted into the prosaic texts that have parallels in heroic epics of the Kalmyks and other Mongolian ethnic groups. While I was working with Bálint’s material, tale No.10. attracted my attention due to its mythological motifs. The plot is about the son of the Oirats’ Richman (Bálint Ȫrdīn bayin) who was born to fight with Erlig Khan’s warrior and is supported in his deeds by Erlig Khan’s (the ruler of the Underworld) fiddler (Bálint xūrči). 

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How to Cite
Ágnes, B. (2018). I am the Fiddler of Erlig Khan The Bard as the Mediating Interpreter of the Hero in Kalmyk Epic Tradition. Acta Mongolica, 17(492), 133–162. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/actamongolica/article/view/5652
Author Biography

Birtalan Ágnes, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest

Department of Mongolian and Inner Asian Studies


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