Comparison of Optative Endings in Manchu and Mongolian in the 18th century Based on Cheonghak saseo (淸學四書) and Monghak samseo (蒙學三書)

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Otgontuul .T
Suhyeon Ju


The optative endings in Manchu and Mongolian have comparatively studied in accordance with the textbooks Cheonghak saseo (淸學四書) and Monghak samseo (蒙學 三書) of the 18th century which are kept in Korea and analyzed the use of optative endings in quotations and negative statements. The two languages were similar in the quotation verbslike ‘se-’ and ‘ge-/keme-’ which were made to simply quote and express the intention of the subject. Furthermore, the negation words ‘ume’ and ‘büü, bitegei’ were also similar in negative sentences. However, this study was only limited to the use of optative endings; further comparative studies in the use of tenses of Manchu and Mongolian in the 18th century need to be carried out.

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How to Cite
.T, O., & Ju , S. (2019). Comparison of Optative Endings in Manchu and Mongolian in the 18th century : Based on Cheonghak saseo (淸學四書) and Monghak samseo (蒙學三書). Acta Mongolica, 18(532), 5–20. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Otgontuul .T, National University of Mongolia

Department of Mongolian Language and Linguistics, National University of Mongolia, PhD

Suhyeon Ju , National University of Mongolia

Department of Mongolian Language and Linguistics, PhD Candidate


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