Research on Opportunities of Using GEP in Mongolia: Methodology and a Case Study of Khovd Province


  • Gerelsuren Gaanjuur


valuation of ecosystem products, ecosystem goods and services, ecosystem valuation, gross ecosystem product, ecosystem product accounting indicators


The valuation of ecosystem products (services) is an effective method for measuring the connections between ecosystem assets and humans. Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) is the total monetary value of final ecosystem goods and services supplied to human well-being in a given region annually, like a country, a province, or a county. Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) is the monetary value of ecosystem services, making the findings comparable to GDP. GEP can reflect the ecosystem‘s contribution to human well-being. The general purpose of this study is to analyze the theoretical and empirical application of Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP), to explore opportunities for using it, and to calculate GEP in selected cases in Mongolia. It is the first study to focus on ecosystem economic value and to introduce Gross ecosystem product (GEP) accounting, and its application in Mongolia. From the theoretical side, the study as a whole would enrich the literature related to using economic valuation methods for ecosystem value and environmental amenities, and introduce a new valuation method in our country. Monetary values for ecosystem valuation do not fully reflect the importance of ecosystems for people and the economy. Using GEP, we will contribute fill up gaps in theoretical research. From the practical side, the study is expected to add new knowledge to the existing empirical literature on ecosystem value and to introduce a new application (GEP) for ecosystem value, as there is no systematic research for calculating ecosystem goods and services supplied to human well-being in a given region annually. Thus, the study could be a base for designing and choosing appropriate economic valuation methods for ecosystem goods and services in my country. This research is not only to study that defining possibilities of GEP‘s application, but also as finding appropriate methods together with technical and economical evaluations. Furthermore, the study could provide a reference for ecosystem management and development planning in my country. There are 3 parts to GEP accounting. We will identify and examine categories and indicators for each part of GEP for Khovd province chosen as a case of our study in Mongolia.


