Population growth and migration of Zavkhan province and pull and push factors
Завхан аймгийн хүн амын өсөлт, шилжих хөдөлгөөн ба татах, түлхэх хүчин зүйлс
Population, growth, migration, settlement, pull and push factors, Zavkhan provinceAbstract
The Government of Mongolia has set goals for reducing the intensity of population migration towards Ulaanbaatar, decentralization, and supporting return migration to provinces and rural areas in documents such as Vision 2050, New Revival Policy, and Mongolia's 5-Year Development Plan. It is necessary to scientifically study the geographical problems of internal population migration, especially at the provincial and local levels, to analyze the main indicators of population migration, to identify pull and push factors by settlement types, and to propose methods to support return migration. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to analyze the main indicators of the internal population migration of the Zavkhan Province in the last 30 years, to give an assessment and conclusion, and then to determine and analyze the pull and push factors. According to the research results, during the last three decades, 78.1 thousand people migrated from Zavkhan province, 58.4 percent of them, or 45.6 thousand people migrated to Ulaanbaatar city, contributing to the population concentration. In addition, considering the soum level, population outmigration prevailed in all soums of Zavkhan province during this period, Uliastai soum (-16.8 thousand people), Tosontsengel soum (-11 thousand people) and Aldarkhaan soum (-4.6 thousand people) took the lead. As a result of migration, the population of the province decreased by 15.7 thousand persons from 1990-2020, and the population decreased in 22 soums. In addition, the main indicators of the internal population migration of Mongolia in the past 30 years were analyzed at the provinces and soum level, 15 pull and push factors of migration were determined by settlement types, and the general education service sector was analyzed using the example of Zavkhan province. In the future, it is important to analyze each of the pull and push factors of the internal population migration of the Mongolia and conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study from the point of view of geography.
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