Impact of noise pollution on Students’ academic achievement (A case study of secondary school in Ulaanbaatar city)

Дуу чимээний бохирдол сурагчдын сурлагын амжилтад нөлөөлөх нь (Нийслэлийн ерөнхий боловсролын сургуулийн жишээн дээр)


  • Donorov Dorligjav Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
  • Dashlegtseg Ganpurev Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
  • Otgontugs Oyuntuya Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
  • Gombodorj Gantulga Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
  • Tsegmid Bazarkhand Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
  • Davaa Tsolmon Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
  • Tumurbaatar Dulguun Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
  • Mendbayar Bujinlkham Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia


Noise pollution, Academic achievement, Noise level


Since noise pollution affects human health and nervous system the most, it is one of the main goals of urban development to create a healthy and safe environment for people to study, work and live by preventing its harmful effects. Therefore, setting the noise level and reducing its negative impact through environmental planning is becoming a common trend. In this study, two secondary schools located along a busy road were selected and measured 3 times at 50 points during school and non-school hours to determine the level of noise pollution inside and outside the classroom. The level of noise pollution in the external environment was 75.7 dB for the 12th secondary school, and 77.2 dB for the 11th secondary school. The noise level inside the classrooms during classes in the 12th secondary school was 68.47 dB, while in the 11th secondary school, it was 66.39 dB. Which is more than twice the tolerable level of 35 dB for school classrooms. Noise levels and students' academic achievement were inversely related, and as the noise level increased, students' academic achievement tended to decrease. However, this correlation was different for senior and junior students. For example, r = -0.66, or a strong negative correlation between noise level and academic achievement was found for senior students of 12th secondary school, while r = -0.22 was a weak negative correlation for junior students. For the 11th secondary school, the results showed that the correlation between the seniors is r = -0.54, which is a strong negative correlation; for the juniors, r = -0.15 is a weak negative correlation. Of the 317 students who participated in the study, 52% agreed that loud noise affects psychology in most cases, while 45% agreed in some cases. In the future, it is necessary to plan enough green structures and acoustic environments noise isolation in the buildings, and spatial planning around the school area.


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How to Cite

Dorligjav, D., Ganpurev, D., Oyuntuya, O., Gantulga, G., Bazarkhand, T., Tsolmon, D., Dulguun, T., & Bujinlkham, M. (2023). Impact of noise pollution on Students’ academic achievement (A case study of secondary school in Ulaanbaatar city): Дуу чимээний бохирдол сурагчдын сурлагын амжилтад нөлөөлөх нь (Нийслэлийн ерөнхий боловсролын сургуулийн жишээн дээр). Geographical Issues, 23(01), 118–134. Retrieved from

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