Analyses of Authenticity and Place Attachment of Local Event and Tourist Satisfaction

Орон нутгийн эвентийн жинхэнэ байдал ба тухайн газартай хамааралтай байдал нь жуулчдын сэтгэл ханамжид нөлөөлөх нь (Баян-Өлгийн Бүргэдийн баярын жишээн дээр)


  • Myagmardorj Munkhjargal Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
  • Narantuya Gantuya Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
  • Dalaibaatar Enkhjargal Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
  • Tsogtkhuu Uuganbayar Department of Geography, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia


Event arrangement, Event Image, Golden eagle festival, Accessibility, Revisit Intention, Place Attachment, Authenticity


This study investigates the satisfaction of tourists visiting to the Eagle Festival, an event that is important to extend the tourism season and spread the heritage of falconry (eagle hunting), and how the relationship with place attachment and authenticity affect the event and how it affects the motivation of tourists’ revisit. The empirical data were collected from the international tourists via questionnaire that yielded 102 usable surveys at the Golden Eagle festival in Bayan-Ulgii Mongolia for 2 days. Officially, 250 international tourists came to participate Golden Eagle Festival and survey was collected 40.8 percent of spectators. Data was analyzed by using regression analysis to determine how relationship between cultural authenticity, and place attachment, also how these variables affect tourist satisfaction and revisit intention. According to the survey results, the value of the “Golden Eagle” festival has decreased year by year due to the organizational problems, and the increased tendency of tour operator companies’ preference to organize private eagle festivals for their own tourists, even in the survey it resulted spectators were satisfied. Conversely, it is easier to organize small events in Bayan-Ulgii province due to the relevance of cultural authenticity, place attachment, and accessibility of the event which are beneficial for participants. Consequently, these small events positively affect the tourist satisfaction and revisit intention. Considering most of the eagle festivals have similar program content, it is natural for tourists to choose travel programs and events with fewer people and more photo opportunities. Furthermore, in order to improve event management, it is important to highlight the practical significance of the event. A detailed study of the stakeholders is recommended.


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How to Cite

Munkhjargal, M., Gantuya, N., Enkhjargal, D., & Uuganbayar, T. (2022). Analyses of Authenticity and Place Attachment of Local Event and Tourist Satisfaction: Орон нутгийн эвентийн жинхэнэ байдал ба тухайн газартай хамааралтай байдал нь жуулчдын сэтгэл ханамжид нөлөөлөх нь (Баян-Өлгийн Бүргэдийн баярын жишээн дээр). Geographical Issues, 22(02), 75–92. Retrieved from

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