Philosophy and Religious Studies 2025-01-22T11:42:03+08:00 Munkhjavkhlan Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">"The National University of Mongolia's "Philosophy and Religious Studies" Department has been releasing the journal "Philosophy and Religious Studies" annually since 2002. The aim of the journal is to provide support for academic and research endeavors, and to make new works publicly available. Since 2012, the academic journal "Philosophy and Religious Studies" has been published under the ISSN number 2220-959X, and has implemented a double-blind peer review process. The journal is peer-reviewed, and accepts articles in both English and Mongolian. It is open to the works of renowned researchers, and provides professional translations of original texts.</p> ЁС ЗҮЙН РЕЛЯТИВИЗМ, ТҮҮНИЙ ОНЦЛОГ 2024-06-17T20:19:30+08:00 Д. Оюунгэрэл Г. Эрдэнэбаяр <p>Энэхүү өгүүлэлд янз бүрийн соёлууд ёс суртахууны өөр өөр кодтой тухай <br>өгүүлнэ. ХХ зууны 40-50-иад оны үед европ болон америкт нийгэм соёлын онол сэтгэлгээнд нэгэн чухал байр суурь бүхий чиглэл орж ирсэн нь соёлын релятивизм байв. Энэ нь улс үндэстэн бүрийн соёлын онцлогийг харгалзан үзэх, зарим ард түмний соёлыг зэрлэг, бүдүүлэг мэтээр доромжилсон агуулгаар хандахгүй байхыг уриалж, евроцентризм нь хэтэрхий явцуурч, туйлширч байгааг шүүмжилж гарч ирсэн. Энэ онолын төлөөлөгчид нь өрөөсгөл байдлаас зайлсхийх, соёл хоорондын ялгаатай байдлыг ойлгох, хүндэтгэлтэй хандах зорилгыг агуулсан ёс зүйн релятивист үзлийг сөргүүлэн тавьсан юм. Ёс зүйн релятивизмыг ойлгох, түүний агуулгыг хүлээн зөвшөөрөх өнцөг хаана байж болох вэ?</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies ЛГБТK: ХҮЙСИЙН БОЛОН БЭЛГИЙН ЧИГ БАРИМЖААНЫ АСУУДАЛ ФИЛОСОФИ, ЁС ЗҮЙН ЭРГЭЦҮҮЛЭЛД ХҮРГЭХ НЬ 2024-06-17T20:34:28+08:00 Б. Мөнхжавхлан Б. Дагзмаа <p>This article discusses the significance of <br>the LGBTQ issue, which encompasses human <br>rights, ethics, society, and existence. Being a <br>sexual minority, this group has historically <br>faced challenges, and their perception <br>throughout history has been influenced by <br>religious and some othetr perspectives. It’s <br>important to note that within the scope of this <br>evaluation, we neither seek to endorse nor <br>criticize any specific standpoint.<br>However, it is true that in today’s <br>Mongolian society, which upholds the <br>principles of a humane civil democratic society, <br>there is greater openness to the topic of sexual <br>orientation. Nevertheless, this article aims to <br>emphasize the necessity of considering this <br>issue from multiple perspectives and providing <br>a theoretical explanation, as there exist diverse <br>opinions within the public discourse</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies MERTON’S CONCEPT OF THE ETHOS OF SCIENCE 2024-06-17T20:43:30+08:00 Battseren.Ts <p>Science is not only a system for the development of knowledge, but also a field of activity of a certain professional community, one of the social institutions of society. Science as a social institution and as a field of activity has become the subject of sociology of science, whose emergence as an independent specialty of Western sociology dates back to the early 1960s. Merton answered the question of the social conditions and prerequisites for the Formation of a normative and ethical core of modern science. The most important conclusion is the thesis that scientific knowledge is public and not private.</p> <p>R. Merton proposed a systematic sociological study of scientific activity, developed based on a fundamentally new analytical concept. <br>His general scheme of considering science as a social institution made it possible to build a system of theoretically coherent empirical research and study scientific activity as an integral phenomenon. The main mechanism that determines the functioning of science is a set of norms that apply in the scientific community and regulate the professional activities of scientists. R. Merton is considered the founder of the ‘institutional’ sociology of science since the main thing in his concept is the development of the idea of science as a social institution.</p> <p>The development of the concept of the scientific ethos created by Robert Merton and his followers is an interesting object for analysis <br>as an expression of science intended to determine the laws by which the scientific community lives and certified knowledge is created.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies МОНГОЛЫН ХӨГЖЛИЙН ФИЛОСОФИЙГ БОЛОВСРУУЛЖ БУЙ ҮР ДҮНГ ШИНЖЛЭХ НЬ 2024-06-17T20:53:06+08:00 Ц. Гомбосүрэн <p>In the introduction (preface) of this article, the author highlights that Mongolian philosophers, who have delved into the philosophy of development in Mongolia, are divided into two main approaches: monist (universalist) and pluralist.</p> <p>The primary focus of this article is to analyze the project formulated by the Mongolian Academy of Science to establish Mongolian development philosophy. Some key findings of this analysis include:</p> <ol> <li>This project recommends "development as harmony," which is a practical statement. However, the primary methodology remains rooted in Marxist-Leninist principles and their dialectics within the context of philosophy.</li> <li>The Mongolian Academy of Science advocates for a universal monist perspective.</li> <li>Since the 1990s, the philosophical community, when addressing development[1]related issues, has been reluctant to embrace dialectical principles. However, even the researchers who critically examine development from a dialectic perspective do not adhere faithfully to these principles, as concluded by the author based on certain facts.</li> <li>The author suggests that the development of Mongolian philosophy can be diversified by applying our fundamental principles of pluralism according to our constitution. Polarizing one perspective from these variations is not compatible with pluralism.</li> </ol> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies Ж.РОУЛС УТИЛИТАРИЗМЫГ ШҮҮМЖИЛСЭН НЬ 2024-06-17T21:11:55+08:00 Б. Мөнхжавхлан Э. Янжинлхам <p>In this article, the authors compare various ideas regarding the concept of justice. Authors analyze the principles of the theory of justice, elucidate how John Rawls’s views relate to ethics, and clarify the concept of justice as well as the ethical foundations of political philosophy. The article also discusses Rawls’s critique of traditional utilitarian philosophy and how he constructs his theory of justice.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies ТОТЕМИЗМ БА МОНГОЛЧУУДЫН ТОТЕМ ШҮТЛЭГ 2024-06-17T21:15:00+08:00 С. Хишигтогтох <p>Ancient religious forms have been handed down with a proper in the religion and culture of the nation. Traces of ancient religions are preserved even in modern religions. fetishism, magic, totemism, and animism existed In Mongolian religion for centuries. In this article, what is the position of totemism as a cultural phenomenon? In the religion and culture of the Mongolian ethnic group, it is a totem worship animal (wolf), tells how Mongolians represent wolves.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies FROM SCARRED TO SCARED: 2024-06-17T21:44:16+08:00 Ananya Barua <p>Энэхүү өгүүллээр, жендер, хүчирхийллийн тухай асуудлыг Энэтхэгийн Зүүн хойд муж нутаг дахь асуудлыг тохиолдол судлалын хүрээнд авч үзсэн. Үүний тулд Хуучин гэрээн дэх дайвар хүйсийн тухай, энэтхэгийн сэтгэлгээн дэх Стри-гийн тухай ойлголтод түшиглэн генезис болон эмэгтэй хүний тухай ойлголтыг харуулахыг зорьсон. Мөн жендер гэж юу болох, хүчирхийлэл гэж юу болох, эдгээр нь хэрхэн уялддаг тухай орчин үеийн нөхцөл байдалд авч үзсэн юм. Энэтхэгийн зүүн хойд нутгийн Мегалайя муж, тэдний талаарх нарратив, хэрхэн эхийн талын чанараараа ялгардаг тухай эртний домогт холбогдох үзэл санааг судлан, жендэр ба хүчирхийллийн асуудлыг шийдвэрлэх арга замын тухай эргэцүүлсэн болно</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies ЭРХ МЭДЛИЙН ЗАРИМ ИЛРЭЛ 2024-06-17T21:48:13+08:00 Ц. Нямсүрэн Я. Хишигсүрэн <p>French philosopher M. Foucault, a major representative of structuralism, poststructuralism, and postmodernism, exemplified in some of his works how to analyze the manifestation of power which is justified by the knowledge claims and practices of social and human sciences, and which is not easy to identify. In this article, through the project dedicated to prepare the youth for labor and the first domestic case with COVID-19, we aim to show how institutions and events, seemingly developed for quite just purposes having no harmful effects on our daily life, from universal education system to the disciplinary power, converged to create the power network extending its threads everywhere, and to perform the controlling and disciplinary functions</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies АРВАН ФИЛОСОФИЧИЙГ НЭРЛЭЭЧ 2024-06-17T21:53:46+08:00 С. Бүжинлхам Э. Янжинлхам <p>“Can you name the ten philosophers?” is one of the simplest questions for a philosophy student. Ironically, all it takes to make this question difficult is the addition of one word women. Even though Elena Cornaro Piscopia received her doctorate in philosophy from the University of Padua in Italy in 1678, 300 years ago (Kalnická 2021), we continue to categorize “woman philosopher” and “Asian philosopher who specialized in metaphysics,” implying that these people are extraordinary. In this article, we questioned whether it was necessary to distinguish between men and women in this “modern, civilized democratic society.” To respond to this question, we examined the academic setting in philosophy and considered how gender-related issues are reflected</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies “ИЛТ НОМЫН САНГААС ЭХТЭЙ ЭРГЭЛЗЭЭГ ТАСДАГЧ ЭРДЭНИЙН ТОДОРХОЙ ЗУЛ” ЗОХИОЛЫН БҮТЭЦ АГУУЛГА, ҮЗЭЛ САНААГ ШИНЖЛЭХ НЬ 2024-06-17T22:07:10+08:00 С. Дэмбэрэл Г. Эрдэнэбаяр <p>Тус өгүүлэлд буддын гүн ухааны аймаг болох абхидхармын гол эх судруудын үүсэл хөгжил, хувьсалын явцад буй болсон Энэтхэгийн сэтгэгч Васубандхугийн “Абхидхармакоша” зохиолын сэдэв, бүтэц агуулга, үзэл санаа, буддын гүн ухааны бүтээлүүд дотор эдлэх байр суурь, онцлог байдал, ач холбогдлыг тодруулах болно.</p> <p>“Абхидхармакоша” нь буддын танин мэдэхүй, метафизик, космологи, хүний амьдралын зовлон жаргалын асуудал, ёс зүй, хүний сэтгэлийн олон хэв шинжүүд, гэгээрэлд хүрэх зам мөр, бясалгал, билиг оюун зэрэг өргөн сэдвийг хөндсөн зохиол юм.</p> <p>Тиймээс “Абхидхармакоша” зохиол нь Энэтхэг, Төвөд, Монгол, Буриад, Тува, Халимаг, Өвөр Монголын буддын гүн ухааны дацангийн сургалтад чухал гарын авлага болдог. Монголчууд “Абхидхармакоша” шастирт олон тайлбар хийж ирсний нэг нь Эрэн хамба Лувсанцэрэнгийн (1873-1934) “Илт номын сангаас эхтэй эргэлзээг тасдагч эрдэнийн тодорхой зул” хэмээх зохиол болой.</p> <p>Лувсанцэрэн хамбын бүтээл нь буддын гүн ухааны нэр томъёо, ойлголтуудыг тодотгох үүднээс буддын гүн ухааны мэтгэлцээний хэлбэрт оруулан тайлбарлах хэлбэрээр бичигдсэнээрээ онцлог юм.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies КОМИНТЕРН БА МАХН-ЫН ЗҮГЭЭС БАНЧИН БОГДЫН ЭСРЭГ ХЭРЭГЖҮҮЛСЭН СУРТАЛ УХУУЛГЫН ТУХАЙ (1929-1937) 2024-06-17T22:17:39+08:00 О. Бумдарь Г. Эрдэнэбаяр <p>This article examines the historical and current situation of Buddhist temples. However, he raised the issue of newly established and functioning temples in the western region of Mongolia.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies МОНГОЛЫН БАРУУН БҮС НУТАГ ДАХЬ БУРХАНЫ ШАШНЫ СҮМ ХИЙД, НӨХЦӨЛ БАЙДЛЫН ШИНЖИЛГЭЭ 2024-06-17T22:24:20+08:00 Ц. Пүрэвсүрэн <p>This article examines the historical and current situation of Buddhist temples. However, he raised the issue of newly established and functioning temples in the western region of Mongolia</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies FEATURES IMPACT IN RELIGION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 2024-06-17T22:29:11+08:00 Imkumnaro Charles Arockia <p>The science has given a new dimension to man’s life. Following this path man is also trying to give a rational interpretation of religion and sort out of religious beliefs from superstitious beliefs. This rational interpretation of religion gives rise to two important results in the life of man. Firstly, man’s thinking and feelings have become more and more secularized. This means that modern man has opted for a secular world and he is in no need of any religion. Secondly, indifferentism within the religion has entered into the life of almost all the religious men. The result is that man is in his everyday life trying to keep himself aloof from religious truths. My purpose here is to highlight the development of human beings in the light of the above observations. In dealing with Religion and Human Development I have taken into account some recent developments, scientific, rational, secular and religious indifferentism, which have come, into existence due to the dominance of the religious way of thinking. There was a time when only the religious way of thinking was prevalent. But as a reaction against this religious way of thinking, the above said viewpoints have emerged in the context of human development.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies ОЮУНЫ ҮЙЛ ЯВДЛУУД 2024-06-17T22:36:01+08:00 Э. Баасандорж <p>Доналд Дэвидсоны "Оюуны үйл явдлууд" өгүүллийн орчуулга.&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies ФИЛОСОФИ, КОМЕДИ БА САЙН МАТЕРИАЛЫН ХЭРЭГЦЭЭ: КВИЛЛ Р.КУКЛА 2024-06-17T22:39:11+08:00 С.Бүжинлхам И. Даваадорж <p>Квилл Р.Куклагийн “Философи, комеди ба сайн материалын хэрэгцээ” өгүүллийн орчуулга.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Philosophy and Religious Studies МУИС-ИЙН 80 ЖИЛИЙН ТҮҮХЭН ДЭХ ФИЛОСОФИЙН СУРГАЛТ, СУДАЛГААНЫ АГУУЛГА, АРГА ЗҮЙН ӨӨРЧЛӨЛТ 2025-01-22T10:02:54+08:00 М.Отгонбаяр Ц.Гомбосүрэн <p>Over the past 50 years of the Mongolian People’s Republic’s history, and within &nbsp;the initial 30 years of Mongolia’s history, &nbsp;spanning the 80-year existence of the National &nbsp;University of Mongolia (NUM), the aim of this article is to investigate changes in philosophy, &nbsp;research, and methodology during this specific &nbsp;timeframe. In this context, the examination of &nbsp;philosophy in Mongolia is categorized into two &nbsp;periods—pre and post the 1990s. The analysis &nbsp;covers the shift from the dominant Marxist Leninist philosophy, encompassing dialectical &nbsp;and historical materialism before 1990, to the &nbsp;current content of the philosophy curriculum &nbsp;in higher educational institutions in Mongolia. &nbsp;Furthermore, the update of the bachelor’s and &nbsp;master’s philosophy programs at NUM has &nbsp;been explored through the lenses of meta philosophy, theoretical philosophy, and the &nbsp;history of philosophy.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2025