Philosophy and Religious Studies: Announcements 2024-03-20T14:43:56+08:00 Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">"The National University of Mongolia's "Philosophy and Religious Studies" Department has been releasing the journal "Philosophy and Religious Studies" annually since 2002. The aim of the journal is to provide support for academic and research endeavors, and to make new works publicly available. Since 2012, the academic journal "Philosophy and Religious Studies" has been published under the ISSN number 2220-959X, and has implemented a double-blind peer review process. The journal is peer-reviewed, and accepts articles in both English and Mongolian. It is open to the works of renowned researchers, and provides professional translations of original texts.</p> PRS Journal: Философи, шашин судлал сэтгүүл 2024-03-20T14:43:56+08:00 Philosophy and Religious Studies <p>Философи, шашин судлал сэтгүүл 2024 оны дугаартаа өгүүлэл хүлээн авч байна. </p> 2024-03-20T14:43:56+08:00