Нийгмийн үйлчилгээний барилгуудын норм ба ачааллаар хүртээмжийг тооцоолох, эрэлтийг эрэмбэлэх боломж


  • Э. Ганчулуун


Нийгмийн дэд бүтэц, хөрөнгө оруулалт, нийгмийн үйлчилгээ, эрэмбэ


Mongolia's budget allocation depends on the member of parliament elected from the administrative unit and is not based on analysis of specific research, investment needs, or the level and capacity of budget requirements from other localities. This risk creating a different load on basic social services that should be equally accessible to the state, and unused investment, which in turn leads to inefficient spendings, such as over-allocation of local budget and under-investment that does not meet demand. Therefore, how to properly allocate state budget investment, how to choose the most necessary locality, how to direct social services to the right sector, how to realistically estimate project capacity, and an example of a practical rationale that summarizes the importance of an electronic urban cadastre system. The article uses information such as the initial capacity and year of operation of all independent schools, kindergartens, and general hospitals in the 21 aimag center soums of Mongolia, сompare the population statistics of the soum with the norms of urban and village planning and construction, and calculate the normative implementation, сompare the state budget investment of 2020 and rank the soums of 21 aimag centers according to the demand or excess load, identified which aimags are most in need. According to the survey, unnecessary investments are made in Khentii, Govisumber, Dundgovi, and Bulgan aimags. In Khuvsgul, Zavkhan, Orkhon, and Darkhan-Uul aimags, the demand for social services is insufficient or 2-6 times higher. 


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How to Cite

Ганчулуун, Э. (2020). Нийгмийн үйлчилгээний барилгуудын норм ба ачааллаар хүртээмжийг тооцоолох, эрэлтийг эрэмбэлэх боломж . Geographical Issues, 20(1), 77–88. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/GP/article/view/879