Бэлчээрийн экосистемийн хангамжийн зарим үйлчилгээг үнэлэх нь (Булган аймгийн Рашаант сумын жишээн дээр)


  • Т. Энэрэл
  • Н. Мандах


Экосистемийн үйлчилгээ, хангамжийн үйлчилгээ, бэлчээр ашиглалт, мал аж ахуйн хэрэглээ


Grasslands are the widest terrestrial ecosystems accounting for about 54 percent of the terrestrial ecosystems. It is a source of livelihood for 30 percent of the world’s population. The Grassland of Mongolia occupies 70 percent of the territory and supports the livelihood of 60 percent of the population; thus, has a major role in sustaining the human development of the country. Grasslands provide a source of forage, as well as performing various ecosystem services, such as high-quality water, clean air, and open space. They benefit people in a recreational setting and yield the raw materials for the agricultural and mining communities. The paper presents the ecosystem service valuation of grassland ecosystems on the example of Rashaant, Bulgan aimag, based on assumption that user demand would substitute the value of the ecosystem. The results show that the total ecosystem value based on demand for feeding and watering livestock is 1,786,911.3 MNT for Rashaant soum.   


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How to Cite

Энэрэл, Т., & Мандах, Н. (2020). Бэлчээрийн экосистемийн хангамжийн зарим үйлчилгээг үнэлэх нь (Булган аймгийн Рашаант сумын жишээн дээр). Geographical Issues, 20(1), 54–63. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/GP/article/view/877